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28/10/1942: Venne creato sul Fronte Orientale su 3 leichte Kompanien con i Panzer 38(t) in soprannumero della 22. Panzer-Division.

10/1942: Presto l'organico passò a 4 mittlere Kompanien. La sua forza teorica era di 60 carri e 40 StuG, ma non la raggiunse mai.

11/1942: A fine mese venne sottoposto direttamente alla 2. Armee (HG B).

26/12/1942: Venne trasferito alla 2. ungarische Armee, che intendeva impiegarlo nel settore dei III. ungarisches Korps, ma lo tenne in riserva d'armata.

01/01/1943: Venne schierato ad ovest del Fiume DEVICA come parte del Korps Cramer appena formato.

03/01/1943: Aveva una forza di 27 Pz 38(t) e 9 StuG.

04/01/1943: Venne impiegato a GLUKHOVKA (15 km a nordovest di ALEXEYEVKA).

06/01/1943: Tornò in una posizione 18 km a nordest di ALEXEYEVKA.

11/01/1943: Venne trasferito al IV. Armee-Korps (tranne la compagnia di autoblindo con cannoani da 7,5 cm), e dovette muovere attraverso OSTROGOZHSK fino a SOLDATSKOJE alle 04.00 del giorno seguente.

12/01/1943: Giorno dell'inizio dell'offensiva sovietica contro l'esercito ungherese. Ricevette ordine di spostarsiad est di BOLDIREVKA per incontrare le punte avanzate russe (150a brigata corazzata della 40a Armata).

13/01/1943: Doveva iniziare a contrattaccare assieme alle unità della 7. (hungarische) Leichte-Division, il 242. Sturmgeschütz Abteilung e due Flak-Abteilungen (272. e 291.), ma (principalmente a causa di problemi tecnici) riuscì a raggiungere il settore della 7. (hungarische) Leichte-Division solo alla fine della giornata, quando era ormai troppo tardi per arrestarne il collasso. Il reparto iniziò comunque il contrattacco che però fallì quando l'avanguardia si scontrò con la 150a Brigata Corazzata sovietica su una cresta a nord di BOLDIREVKA. Dopo aver perso 14 carri e 200 uomini (principalmente presi prigionieri), i resti (4 carri e 3 StuG) si ritirò su JABLONCHY. Alle 18.00 il reparto venne trasferito al III. Panzerkorps, già isolato, dopodiché combatté nelle file del Korpsgruppe Siebert finche non venne disciolto.

01/02/1943: Venne disciolto e i suoi resti furono incorporati nel Panzer-Regiment 35 della 4. Panzer-Division.

Bibliografia:   Internet, 2004
Bernage-De Lannoy Les Divisions de l'Armee de Terre Allemande Vol. I Heimdal France, 1994
Jentz, T. cur Panzer Truppen Schiffer USA   Internet, 2006


The Pz38s of the PzVb 700

The origin of these panzers is unknown. There are two possibilities:

1. They got them from another unit
2. They got them from Germany (factory-fresh).

Let's discuss version #1. Who could be the previous owner of these tanks?
As we know, the unit recieved its components from 10. ID, 11. Pz, 19. Pz, 27. Pz and 22. Pz, as well as some personel from 14. Pz and 24. Pz. These are the units that are in play at the moment. Let's take them one by one.

a) 10. ID - did not operate this kind of Panzer, and the unit they gave to the PzVb was the PzSp Kp 700 - out of play.
b) 14. Pz and 24. Pz - did not operate this Panzer, and it seem that only personel like Hassel were diverted to this unit from them - out of play.
c) 11. Pz. Take a look at this link.
As you can see from the data provided by the always helpful Andy Hill, this unit did not operate the Pz38 - out of play.
d) 19. Pz - As you could see in the above mentioned thread, they had approximately the same number of Pz38's in the Summer and November of '42, so it is extremely unlikely for them to be the suppliers - out of play.
e) 27. Pz - this was hard to determine, but finally I got it.
Pz Verband 700 traf am 9 November mit ersten Teilen - im »E-TransEort über Kursk« herangeführt - bei 27 Pz Div ein Er zog im Raum um Nis neWeduga (nordöstlich Kastornoje) unter und begann mit seiner endgültigen Aufstellung, hierbei unterstützt durch AOK 2.
(As you can see, your info was crucial!)
As we know, the PzVb had the Panzer unit and the PzSp Kp. But, the PzSp Kp was formed only on Nov 20. So, the only unit that could be transported to them via rail was the Pz unit, so it couldn't have been part of this unit before - out of play!
f) 22. Pz - operated this kind of Panzer, was a constant supplier of equipment to 27. Pz.

We still have possibility no. 2 in play, but not for long. As we know, the PzVb had experienced constant technical difficulties with the Panzers, as well as lack of winter equipment. It is extremely unlikely that the brand-new Panzers would have an only 33% of them ready for use. Moreover, they wouldn't send a Pz unit to Southern Russia in October without a winter equipment! (the year is 1942, not '41).



Der Panzerverband 700 unter seinem Kommandeur Major HASSEL, welcher von der deutschen 2. Armee weggenommen wurde, hatte 50 Panzer 38(t) und eine 8-Rad-PzSpWg-Kompanie. Dieser Verband was seinerseit auf Vorschalg des damaligen Generals der Schnelle Truppen, des jetzigen Kdo.Gen. des Korps zbV, GenMaj Cramer, entstanden. Es sollte im Rahmen einer neu aufzustellenden Kavalleriedivision einen schnelle, leichte gepanzerte Reserve bilden und in der Gegend von Elista im Kaukasus zum Einsatz gelangen. Da die Kavalleriedivision nicht aufgestellt wurde, blieb der Verband auf dem Wege in den Kaukasus in der Gegend von Kastornoje, westlich Woronesch "hängen" und wurde dann dort aus zur ung. 2. Armee in Marsch gesetzt.
Panzerverband 700, under its commnder Hassel, removed from 2. Armee control, had 50 Pz-38(t) and an 8-wheel armored car company. The unit had been raised upon the recommendation of the former General of Mobile Troops, GenMaj Cramer, who was now commanding the Kdo.Gen. des Korps zbV. [aka as 'Corps Cramer'] It was to become a light, highly mobile reserve element of a new cavalry division, as yet to be raised. It was to be used in the the Caucasus around Elista. As the cavalry division was not raised, the Panzerverband had gotten hung up at Kastnoje, west of Worones. From this area, it was dispatched to the Hungarian Second Army.




Hi there,

I have read this thread with great interest and believe I can contribute.

First of all, Major Hassel was from 14.Pz.Div. In fact, he was the commander of III./Pz.Rgt.36. If anyone is interested, I can supply more details about him.

I also have numerous documents relating to the formation of Panzerverband 700. This first one is dated 9. November 1942, 2215 Uhr and was sent from Abt. Ia Armee-Oberkommando 6 to 14.Pz.Div. [Source: T-312, Roll 1453, Frame 1349].

Betr.: Abgabe der für "Panzerverband 700" vorgesehenen Einheiten

1.) Die von 14. Pz.Div. für "Panzerverband 700" abzugebenden Einheiten Stab u. Stabskp. III./Pz.Rgt.36 (vollständig) 1 mittl. Pz.Kp. (vollständig, aber ohne Panzer) sind in Abänderung des bisherigen Befehls sofort im E-Transport zum Panzerverband 700 in Marsch zu setzen.
2.) Einladebahnhof Ssurowikino ist im Landmarsch zu erreichen.
Verladebereitschaft ist fernmündl. voraus an AOK zu melden.
Durch Transportführer ist rechtzeitig Verbindung mit Bv.T.O. aufzunehmen.
3.) Die befohlene Umgliederung des Pz.Rgts. ist nach Abschluß der Kämpfe um Stalingrad durchzuführen.

Let me know if this stuff is interesting. If so, I'll write more.

Best wishes,

Jason Mark