Notes on sharing Military History Bookmarks on Internet

LAST UPDATE: 07/29/2009

To support the things I am going to write, I will add before some prototypes of divisional histories, still "bumpy" and not so clear, but enough to give you an idea of the program's potentialities. They will be updated as soon as I'll have some new versions ready.

I am basing the following .kmz files on some Unit webpages of my website, that deals with the history of German Units in WWI, but the principles can apply to any miliatry unit of the history of the world, provided we have enough infos about their movements.

1) Kmz of 6. Panzer-Division and link to 6. Panzer-Division's page on this website.
2) Kmz of 1. Infanterie-Division and link to 1. Infanterie-Division's page on this website.

Here I put some notes on the Bookmarks' standardisation studying Military History. We have to consider some things:
1) how the datas are shown on the virtual globe
2) how to structure them in order to be easily understood by the people researching on similar matters
3) the possibilities given from the .kmz files

I am open to any hint and tip to make these principles work better. If you have any coment, please write me at

The naming of GoogleEearth Bookmarks has to be studied deeply. What I suggest here is just my point of view, but I think we have to work on Bookmark name, that must be composed at least from Date and Unit Name (e.g. 1940/05/12 1.PzDiv).

Please remember that photos, links and text can enhance the chrono-geographical Datas could be added within the text field of the .kmz file.

I suggest the Japanese date system: yyyy/mm/dd so that an alphabetic sorting could also become chronological. In the last GE updates, with a simple xml editor you can add timing to the bookmarks. This enables you to create animated sequences to picture units' histories or battles, because the program shows automatically the given position of the bookmark in the given date, and you can specify this until to hour, minute and second level.

Unit Name:
The unit Name is also matter, and depends on the nationality of the Unit, his naming and so on. As I deal mostly with German units, I usually write the German abbreviation of the unit, trying to keep the Bookmark's name as short as possible. The Unit Name structure has also to be made in a decreasing way, for example, for a Company part of a Regiment, the Regiment Number goes before the Company name (e.g. 1944/07/20 2.SS-PzRgt/2.PzKp).

After you have made many bookmarks about history units, you may want to order them by name, and if you used the correct date-name system, sorting the bookmarks is very easy using the following two websites. They sort the bookmarks alphabetically or geogrpahically:
1) Here's a link to sort in alphabetic order the bookmarks into a given GE folder (no more than 100 Kb files):
2) Here's a link to sort in geogrpahic proximity order the bookmarks into a given GE folder (no more than 100 Kb files):
It will generate subfolders form Continent to Country and Region level if possible

To enhance the perception of the Bookmarks, we can use different icons to design the Units, for WWII the easiest way is to display the original Allies and Axis Icons, and also, the Germans used the Waffenfarbe (Color of the Arm) to design the different arms (e.g. white for infantry, red for artillery, pink for armoured units and so on). Allied used the STANAG like icons, now widely known and used in the nowadays armies. Here I try to explain the kind of work we have to do to build the basis for this work (sorry but time is Tyrant and this work is huge!). I will try to make and share the icons in my free time, that is not so much.

Some of you may not like my icons, so you can work your way for German and Allied-NATO Units following the links below:

Files for the German icons:
1) wwiigts_.ttf: contains the tactical symbols at squad level with the graphic used until 1939; it just a .ttf file
2) the most complete set, contains symbols from Heeresgruppe to single soldier. In the .zip file are: the .ttf file and three sample .doc files:
a) Ardenes.doc with the Table of Organization of the German Forces in the Ardennes
b) Germsymb.doc with an explanatory chart
c) Simboli mappe.doc made by me, it has the corresponding chart between the Symbol and the characters you have to digit.

1) MapSymbA.exe: self-installing .exe file with all the most updated STANAG symbols
2) Some more new STANAG symbols.

As I wrote some lines higher, using the Symbols described above I am beginning to make a chart to enable the download and visualisation of all the tactical Icons (Click here).

All the above mentioned files come form that I openly thank here.

Bookmarks Directory Structure:
The Bookmanr's structure is related to the amount of datas on the hand of the researcher.

Unit Histories

The Bookmarks Directory should be named after the Unit Name, and into it should be Subdirectories named after the temporal intervals (e.g. years and months of war), to enable the program showing month after month on the map not loading too many Datas each time.
Note: Here the unit state could be described with the cromatic value listed below
Battles The Bookmarks Directories should be separated for the two (or more) factions and then chronologically sorted
Note: the cromatic value should describe the kind of unit (like for example the German Waffenfarbe). In this way you could picture the kind of unit in action in the battle (infantry, cavalry artillery and others)
Campaigns The Bookmarks Directories should be separated for the two (or more) factions and then chronologically sorted.
Note: the cromatic value should describe the kind of unit (like for example the German Waffenfarbe). In this way you could picture the kind of unit in action in the battle (infantry, cavalry artillery and others)
Biographies The Bookmarks Directories should be named after the person studied, and into them should be Subdirectories named for the temporal intervals (e.g. years and months of war), to enable the program showing month after month on the map not loading too many Datas each time.
Lists of Places Like: air bases, harbors, industry or goverment sites. This list have to have a different structure, mostly geographical. This look like the most important database to make before the others, as you can then see where the places are easyly. For this matter try and enjoy my Bookmarks Page

Unit Histories (example):
The unit state could be described with a standard cromatic value like the one listed below. My hint is to give a color to the Unit's title basing on their status:
1) In constitution (light green)
2) In movement: A: railway (light gray) B: on the road (dark gray) C: on th sea (blue) D: airlift (light blue)
3) In battle: A: advancing (red) B: retreating (orange) C: defending (yellow)
4) Resting behind the lines (very light green)
5) Refitting (dark green)
6) Disbanding (black)